
Photos et vidéos issues de nos recherches.

What causes social fears?

Our research on oxytocin as potential treatment of tantrums highlighted by Happiest Health news

New multicentric study on the vulnerability to depression and resistance to treatment starting in 2024. We are recruiting postdocs and PhD students

Our research on vasopressin as potential treatment of autism highlighted by Spectrum News

Amelie Borie. Prix de la SNE 2021. Correction of vasopressin deficit in the lateral septum ameliorates social deficits of mouse autism model

Our research selected as high impact 2019 by the societe des neurosciences for the discovery of the cognitive signaling of stress

Our research selected as high impact 2019 by the societe de neuroendocrinologie fir the discovery of the cognitive signaling of stress

Our research on the cerebrovascular pathology of Alzheimer’s disease is making the cover of the Journal Neurobiology of disease

Our research on the genetic programmation of mitochondrial fitness is making the cover of the Journal of Neuroscience

Our research on the cognitive signaling of stress and antidepressant response is making the cover of PNAS

Freddy Jeanneteau is the recipient of the medical prize Jean Valade 2014 for his discoveries on the menomic effects of stress

Freddy Jeanneteau is laureate of the starting grant ATIP-AVENIR 2013